Business Events

Team building

The importance of the team

Sport teaches us how, to be successful, it is important that the whole team participates with effort. The first rule of a winning team is actually being a team

The company and sailing

Sailing has become a model for companies:

:: Same organisational model

:: Preparation techniques (coaching/practice)

:: Group activity

:: Team management

:: Leadership


In a sailing boat as in a company:

:: Discipline

:: Self-control

:: Self-management

:: Respect for common spaces

:: Group spirit

:: Ability to adapt oneself

The metaphor of a boat relates well to our working day, as the unpredictability of the sea and weather

conditions is comparable to that of a competitive market. The similarity between sailing and a business are many:

The variables – on a boat you need to manage situations which change continuously and you cannot rely on past experience (the market continuously changes our way of working)

The role rotation – a boat allows us the opportunity to look at each activity from a different prospective :: Control – on a boat as in business, in moments of difficulty you need to keep your cool as rash or agitated behaviour can create panic amongst the crew and our colleagues

Teamwork – the success of one group over another, in equal circumstances, is obtained only if there is real teamwork

The leader – on a boat as in business, the leader’s (skipper’s) ability to keep a cohesive team is fundamental.

Methodology: one new truth

Sailing Boat = The Company

The Crew = The Company’s Organisation

The Sea = The market

The Wind = The market variables

The areas worked on

:: Teamwork

:: Communication and Silent drill

:: Leadership

:: Self esteem and esteem of others

:: Ability to assign work

:: Rotation of roles

:: Time management

:: Stress management

:: Emergency management

:: Planning and prioritising

:: Problem solving and decision making

:: Budget management


Option: different solutions for each requirement

:: Discipline

:: Self control

:: Self management ability

:: Respect of common space

:: Group spirit

:: Ability to adapt oneself


Modular option:

:: Discipline

:: Self control

:: Self management ability

:: Respect of common space

:: Group spirit

:: Ability to adapt oneself


The company directly manages various boats of different sizes for all needs.



:: 2 bases in Sardinia (Porto Cervo and Poltu Quatu)


Possibility to organize events in other locations to be agreed with customers.

Franco Pistone

Mobile +39 347 079 5547


Monica Piras

Mobile +39 340 975 1285‬

Contact us for a custom course or a rental